Sunday, July 28, 2024


Courage to love, courage to give up, courage to fight back.

Everything you do need courage. Everything you decide need courage. Just how serious each consequences will be. But in life dont look back. Move on. Looking back only helps if you want to correct a reversible mistake. But not a major one.

What's done is done. Looking back will not change your present. But it helps you make a more informed decision for future. It also will deter you to be have courage to repeat what you fall down at. Whether is it good or bad takes time to show. 

Ppl always say make mistakes and start anew. Minor mistakes are fine. They dont interfere with your life. But major mistakes are irreversible. So whatever u decide always think about the future. Is that what u want to live with for the rest of ur life. 

Whatever you believe may bite you when it falls. So believe with a benefit of doubt so that when things happen, you have courage and an escape route. Dont get stuck in situation you cant pull yourself out with. 

But whatever you decide is whatever u have took courage to do and that is good enough to move on. If you cant decide with time constraints then be prepared for both success and failure. For now I dont want any changes to my current life. Stay on course is the action I want to take. 

If there is a need to change nobody will be able to tell me except myself. I determine when I need to change my path. And only I can determine whether I should give another chance. 

If I feel there isnt a need to, then there isnt a need. I live the life I want to live and be free the way I want it to be. If there is someone prove importance for me to change my path, that is when I make my decision. And for that time will tell so. 

Nobody will walk the path I walk and is impossible to make someone hold responsible for my life. So I listen only to my heart and brain. Time will tell if it is of importance and I let time say. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024




我又不是来受委屈的 为啥要听你埋怨我


Thursday, July 11, 2024


Sadness hit when u are usually alone. Miss the days when I was younger. Happier. When u are younger u know less things. That why ppl say ignorance is bliss. Play with friends and work part time is to past time. Now work is to survive and having a better retirement. 

Nth in life can trouble me except life and death. I cannot imagine not seeing someone I love or care about for the rest of my life. I dont really understand my own concept sometimes.

You dont even see them often. However Not seeing them but knowing they are well living is one thing. Knowing they are not living is another thing. Living is always better than not living. Maybe not living to me just feels like a suffering or just a fear. 

Maybe if I know is peaceful death im not that affected. Means the person is at peace. But if it is accident or a torture death I just cant imagine. Peaceful death to me means u die in your sleep. Like a nice dream or just nth. But accident or torture death means u die with agony. Is like a forever torture in repeat. 

Maybe that is my concept that why is hard to keep it calm and get over it. Just cant help to keep thinking how helpless it is and painful it feel at that moment. 

Is it more suffering for the living or more suffering for the non living? Is being heartless better or being more kind better. The ability to be empathetic is it a good thing or bad? Being heartless u feel nth for no one. Which is good as keeps u happier. Whereas Being empathetic means u feel pain for others which feels bad or sad. 

Nobody likes to feel overwhelmed with sadness always. If not because they cant pull themselves out. The worse is knowing u are in deep shit but u just cannot allow urself to escape. U see the door just there u just need to make the move to open it but u just cant do it. 

Else is when u know there is a pit and u just realize u are being pulled into the pit. U want out but u cant due to certain pressure. 

Another feeling is being a side person. U know what will happen, but u cant stop things from moving towards the bad situation.

Life is like a cycle a path that everyone follows through. But being what kind of person is a choice. Pressure and influences can be from everywhere. But the choice is still yours to choose. The path is still yours to take. The consequences is still yours to bear.