A good character knows how to control not just emotions but also behavior
1. 不在嫉妒的时候贬低, 而在羡慕里学习
Dont belittle when you are jealous,learn when you envy
2. 不在生气的时候背板, 而在愤怒里明白
Dont betray when you are angry,understand the anger
3. 不在伤心的时候挖苦, 而在悲伤里变强
Dont insult when you are upset, accept your sorrow
4. 不在强大的时候嫌弃, 而在强大里帮助
Dont look up when you are strong,bring up when you are capable
5. 不在判断的时候加害, 而在评论里无动
Dont harm when you are judgemental,stay indifferent in negativity
6. 不在善良的时候怜悯,而在邪恶里选择
Dont pity when you are kind, choose to be kind