Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Past experience

Been reading back on my blog post. I realize things that I have been blind to see or just refuse to see. There are really lots of signs that says we are not suitable and really lots of quarrels. I realize I have been giving in a lot more in the relationship that we have. I am really proud and surprised by how I managed to hold on till today. Despite really wanted to give up but I didn't. The issues are actually entirely the same. And I failed to realize or turn a blind eye to persever. I really have no one to blame except myself. Maybe is really a payback which I have already done. 

And I know the next partner I wanted will definitely not be someone who is not sincere or half sincere. I have to be more practical to let my mind decide than my heart or maybe both. Expectations to be higher now as I know my worth. There is honestly no reason for me to be with someone who doesn't appreciate me. Dor say I was too emotionally dependent on others. Though I don't feel so but anyway. If I don't meet the right guy then I rather be single. But I'm keeping someone in heart and this way, I can filter off people who are not sincere. 

As he said. If it is meant to be, it will come and let's just let nature take course. 

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