Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Meeting new people

Met someone new yesterday. Catch a movie together. Movie was quite late. Ate sushi and played some arcade games to pass time. He is quite a gentleman. Can say his mum did taught him well. 

Told me some of his relationship matters and his dad. Find some similarities with his dad and mine. Both are jerks. We didn't do anything for my dad to be grateful about. But his did. I wonder if they do have guilt. Maybe guilt is the reason he disrupted the mum sentimental area? 

Different people display their emotions differently when they are upset, angry, disappointed and guilty etc. Some don't even show happiness on their face. Not everyone display or know how to display their emotions and thinking properly. 

I realized ego and hatred usually stands in the way of communication. Ego u can't say what u want. U hide your feelings. U say things that u don't mean. Hatred u become self centered. U lost sight of being empathy and understanding to the other party. Because hate crowd your mind. No matter what decision he/she did u choose to treat it negatively. 

Being able to put down ego and hatred is like a learning process. To be better self and to be communicate better.

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